So like many others during the pandemic, whether studying or working from home, both myself and my neighbors struggled with maintaining a healthy diet every day.

Many of us were accustomed to relying on the convenience of workplace canteens and found it difficult to find the time to cook each day.

About two months in, I discovered that the local butchers offered a daily menu, and it was great. However, some meals contained ingredients that some people may not prefer, such as intestines.

This got me thinking, what if there was a platform that provided an overview of all the menus from the four butchers in the region?

Note: The About Menu had to be reworked, it was only a proof-of-concept.

The idea is to scrape each butcher’s website every Saturday evening to retrieve the menu for the following week. This is accomplished using a combination of Airtable and Google Sheets, and the results are displayed in a responsive app/web app.

Note: I didn’t want to use a single cent to realize this Idea

The back-end is just a few tables with information:

I developed the front-end in React-Native, via the Expo platform: